Gold Pack Frisch – Quality at first hand

Gold Pack Frisch has impressed for over 30 years with the highest quality.
Upon opening the package a fine scent escapes, with the promise that these selected dried fruit will be a treat for the palate. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, poppy seeds – these popular cooking and baking ingredients are used mostly grated. Gold Pack Frisch imports the raw materials out of the best countries of origin and processes the high-quality goods in Austria. After an initial quality control upon arrival, the nuts and poppy seeds are ground and filled into airtight, aluminised foils. Constant samples are taken during the production process, to ensure the excellence of the products.
The innovative products guarantee a particularly long shelf-life: top-class goods are grated and packaged while fresh. As the name suggests, Gold Pack Frisch stands for the special freshness of premium products.

Your contact

Department 2, dried fruit
Mr Stefan Amerstorfer, Head of business unit
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